We also conduct Off-Site PCR / serology tests for companies, Ministry of Manpower, others.

  • PDT (Pre-departure testing), PET (Pre-event testing), OAT (On arrival test), PSHN (Persons on Stay-Home-Notice), RRT (Rostered Routine Test), others
  • Our swab and logistic teams are approved by MOH to conduct on-site and off-sites testing in over 30 locations across Singapore currently.
  • Our staff are experienced and trained to conduct MOH approved ART tests via Anterior Nasal Swabs.  Anterior Nasal swabs are generally more comfortable than Nasopharyngeal Swabs.
  • For Pre-Event ART Test, participants will be issued with individual cards bearing personal QR codes.  Results of the test will be transmitted to their phones or event staff can also scan those QR codes to see the participants’ results.
  • Please discuss with us regarding your pre-event ART or off-site PCR tests needs.

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MOH information on pre-event test 

Pre-event Covid-19 testing: Logistics, cost among concerns for couples and event organisers

Cheaper, faster antigen rapid test recommended by MOH for pre-event testing
